Monday, March 21, 2016

kill or suffer

I woke up twice last night to sweating and mosquito bites, and this isn’t the first time. When it happens my routine is to get on whatsapp and chat with my family back in the States because they’re usually awake during my night hours. Once I chimed in on the conversation and they were surprised asking, ‘what are you doing up’? They’re met with my response, ‘Mosquitoes and I’m sweating’. It has become the family joke and now one of my younger brothers is even more convinced that Nigeria isn’t for him. He left the country at age 9, and came to visit when in his 20s. He’s spoiled by the usual American AC life. When I suggest he consider moving back, his repetitive response is a reminder that the last time he visited he suffered constant perspiration, ‘Na man! Even when you take showers mid day, you still come out sweating’. Well Frank, maybe you should lose some of your muscles because that would help. Perhaps that’s why men I see here are usually slender. It’s called Adaptation. The heavier you are (muscles or fat), the more uncomfortable you will be without AC. Don’t get me wrong, Houston and Waco Texas can be smokin’ hot in the summers. What mitigates the discomfort is the access to Air Conditioning. Lord, I need one of those right now. Wait, I have one in my room, but no light, and it’s surely cost inefficient to run the generator all night long, although as I type this at 5am, I hear my neighbors doing just that. With fuel scarcity, long queues to buy at already jacked up prices, impatient Nigerians who wanna jump the cue because they know someone who knows someone who works at the fueling station, who wants to bear the brunt of that movement? 

Enjoyment here during the hot days and nights is to have light in the middle of the night, turn on your AC AND fan and sleep blissfully. It has been weeks I tasted of this privilege, and my hope for my country is that one day all people will move from perceiving this as enjoyment to become everyday necessity. They say Africa is the darkness continent, producing significantly less power supply than our counterparts. And God said, ‘LET THERE BE LIGHT’. We don’t need to wait for God to cure our ills in this land. He already established things, as they should be. It’s left for man to take substance and make tangible realities. So, where do we start because it’s now 5:18am and the chickens are already crowing and this woman isn’t ready to face the challenges of the day because she’s been up for over an hour and a half doing research and trying to find mosquitoes to kill. She has resorted to just cursing death upon them. Yes, it has come to that. No wonder men and women all over this town sometimes look angry and any little irritant leads them to shout and even engage in fist fights. It’s because they’ve been suffering heat at night and heat in the day, and most without access to Air conditioned offices, especially manual labourers and keke and taxi drivers. Those are the most hostile one I come across. No wonder! I leave you with this- I once heard a Nigerian comedian say, ‘how can you expect a man to be cool-headed when he’s out in the sun all day. Give him AC and it’ll cool off his head and that man will become a different person”. This comedian is on to something.