Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Blessing O. Foundation Int'n

There is accepted that those who send their kids to school abroad have money and live very comfortably. This wasn’t the case with my parents. Years of sacrifice and financial constraint were familiar visitors that at times came to live with us for some time, as much as we resisted them. Amidst these visitors also lived the greatest hospitality I have experienced. Recently I was told that at one point in time and space, up to 15 people lived with us in our home in Festac, Lagos, Nigeria. As a child I remember aunties, cousins, uncles and people who weren’t related staying with us. To my earliest cognizance, my parents have always opened up their hearts and homes to whoever was in need. I always attributed this to being the way all Nigerians are until my grandmommy corrected me by saying, ‘it’s your parents’. After spending time with my mom’s sister and brother here in Nigeria, I’ve seen this attribute also in them. Maybe it runs in the blood? I certainly pray so.

the woman herself
When I went off to college and beyond and would visit home, I never knew who was living there and if I had a bed available because inevitably mom would have someone staying with us, be it my brother’s friends who were trying to put their lives back together or women coming out of addictive behaviors seeking rehabilitation. Mom continued the tradition even when dad moved back to Nigeria and from that place Blessing O. Foundation was birthed. What started out as a woman living her ordinary life in an extraordinary way has turned into an established Foundation that seeks to be part of making a society across Africa where orphans, widows, rescued prostitutes and the sexually abused receive a sense of hope, encouragement and support (emotionally, spiritually, academically, financially), empowering them to fulfill their purposes. We are gifted with a team of eight adventurous big dreamers, both in Nigeria and the U.S. and are currently doing work in Nigeria and Ghana, and looking to launch a resource center serving women and children in Delta state, Nigeria.

Some have asked what I do day to day for work here. Technically I work for a government branch, but my real work here is serving as the Director of my mother’s Foundation. I believe this is what I’m in Nigeria to do this year- to help her establish this Foundation, and I’m happy to say we are well on our way. I've just come home from a long hardworking day 2 of our widow's summit- gathering women to learn very feasible, sustainable trade for steady income.  We expected 50 women, and on the first day 75 eager beavers showed up. Day 2, word of mouth spread and we had more. At the end of the 3 days, the outstanding performers will receive sponsorships to begin their businesses. Our mummy who teaches the classes was able to send her daughter abroad for studies with this type of business. REMARKABLE! $100 alone can alter the trajectory of a widow's life. Consider being a part.

We are looking at undertaking subsequent training in the coming months & long term we want to expand beyond Nigeria and Ghana and execute some projects across east Africa.

Delta State widows summit- A skill acquisition workshop focused on vulnerable women acquiring trade for sustainable livelihood. The top 5 winners will receive sponsorship to start small-scale businesses and we set in place evaluation tools to track progress with the expectation of the women turning profit and growing their businesses.

Official inauguration of Blessing O. Foundation. With special guests of honor in attendance, we will commensurate the organization’s launch as we celebrate and hear testimonials of people who have benefited from the foundation while also raising funds for upcoming projects.

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To learn more, please visit our website-

There is a blessing that comes with giving to widows and orphans. If you want to give, the website will direct you on how.

I tell people in the U.S. that right now a dollar goes a long way here, so sending something easily makes impact here on ground. Join us on this adventure. I’m certainly honored to serve under a woman with a great heart and one who constantly spends herself on behalf others. 

Here's a testament to the work we're doing on the ground. I couldn't say it better myself. Blessings!