That's how we roll when celebrating the end of their first test |
Girls (missing Josiane) |
Listening to Condi Rice and Sheryl Sandberg for a little inspiration |
Nicole: You can't impose on people by coercing them with power. Threatening to take away their power won't work. They have to find a common ground, even if they don't agree on many things, the UN should try to get them to agree on something.
The class was divided on this one. Some held views suggesting that war was the only solution, others chose to remain silent.
Bonnette's father was a genocide victim when she was 2. In her struggle to understand why this happened and why her life wan't 'normal', her mother said, 'maybe you weren’t meant to live a normal life after all.' This statement has changed her entire perspective.
She is a natural leader among leaders. I am consistently impressed when I watch her interact with the ladies. I give her responsibilities and she delegates, to empower the others, not because she is indolent.
Her ambition: As an entrepreneur, I envision helping Rwanda address the high rate of unemployment by providing employment to my fellow Rwandese and I also plan to help connect investors with promising businesses that lack the capital to grow. But most of all, as a leader I want to mentor, educate and empower young women to give them skills that will help them become the next generation of leaders.
Bonnette & Nicole, in the face of opposition, choose courage and keep the end in mind. We believe in you so much, and your ambitions are very attainable.
This little 'steal my heart' was my favorite part of the wedding. He was a charmer with the most alluring smile. I was so distracted I eventually asked to hold him, that is until he started crying. We tried to assuage him with my gold earring- but that proved temporary. When people start looking at you because of crying baby, you must quickly find a different solution. I insisted his mother take him back. I was captivated by him for a prolonged time that I started calculating how long it would take for me to adopt him, get him a US passport and take him back with me in a 3 week time frame. Maybe it's time to get a baby
My wedding date, Bosco
and no, we are not dating. He's too young for me:)
How am I?
On a personal note, when an african woman comes to africa, there is a thought in the back of her mind: will I meet a man here? Rwandese men are less aggressive (in a positive light) than some others I've come across in my days. They are also on the slender side. Ha! All that to say, no men have drawn my attention, but there is still 3 weeks remaining. In my spare time, I dream a lot about my future and have started taking steps towards those goals. There are 3 women I'd like to dine and sip wine with:
Condi Rice
Sandra Bullock
Oprah Winfrey
If you know someone who knows someone who may know them, let me know. I'll owe you big!